• “The Leader in Me, Great Starts Here”

    This year our school theme is all about developing a strong "personal root-system" to build character and becoming more independent, increasing our skills to work well with others and become more interdependent, and learning to take care of oneself to ensure great leadership can continue in the future.   This year we will build on that by helping students find opportunities to grow- as learners, people and as part of their community. In addition to Genius Hour, which will let students find chances and opportunities to build, we will incorporate these ideas into our school, in-person and online, every day. 

    Genius Hour is a project-based classroom activity where students can explore their own passions and wonders.  Teachers empower students by allowing them to pick a topic based on their own passions or wonders. From there students will create a project to showcase their new-found learning.

    Want to see our Genius Hour in action? Click HERE! 

    For more information about Genius Hour check out the links below:

