Greetings! I am Shaakera Thomas, and it is with great enthusiasm that I introduce myself as the PROUD Assistant Principal of Don Brewer Elementary. It is a privilege and honor to serve the students and families in this amazing community! I have been dedicated to education for sixteen years and will continue this journey with my Don Brewer Team. Our vision is to be a collaborative learning community dedicated to engaging and empowering students to become responsible and productive life-long learners. Our core values reflect academic excellence, building positive relationships and respect for others, with an overall commitment to our surrounding community.
Don Brewer Elementary offers various opportunities to assist in developing the whole child. I look forward to creating a partnership with each of you, as we strategically focus on providing rigorous and challenging instructional opportunities that will increase student achievement across all grade levels and content areas. Our faculty and staff will establish high expectations and work collaboratively to achieve academic success in every classroom, for every student, every day.
I share your commitment to your child’s education and will always be available to schedule a conference with you regarding your child’s academic success. With your continued support and assistance, we will make this a productive and rewarding school year.
Anchored in Excellence,
Shaakera L. Thomas, Assistant Principal