Mascot: Panther
School Colors: Red, White, and Blue
#233 Lone Star Elementary
10400 Lone Star Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32225
Office: (904) 565-2711 Fax: (904) 565-2733
School Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Principal: Ms. Cheryl Quarles-Gaston
Email: QuarlesC@duvalschools.org
Assistant Principal: Ms. Dishon Wright
Email: Mayhewd@duvalschools.org
Title IX Coordinator: Assistant Principal, Ms. Dishon Wright
Email: Mayhewd@duvalschools.org
Email: LoneStarDCPS@gmail.com
Transportation Department Number: (904) 858-6200
SAC Chair:
Good News Ambassador:
Executive Director: Ms. Stephanie Manabat
Email: manabats@duvalschools.org
Regional Superintendent: Ms. Marianne Simon
Email: simonm@duvalschools.org,
Elementary Region, Office: 904-390-2154
School Board Member: The Honorable Dr. Kelly Coker
Email: cokerk@duvalschools.org, 904-390-2375