• Thanks to Title I resources we can:

    Our school is participating in the Title I, Part A grant project.  Our School Improvement Plan can be accessed by visiting https://www.floridacims.org/districts/duval and our Parent and Family Engagement Plan is available by visiting our Parent Resource Room, contacting the school, or emailing title1@duvalschools.org.  Plans are also available in multiple languages

    - Provide Parent Resource Room across from the main office.

    - Access to a lending library of Academic and Social Skill materials.

    - Offer parental training on ways to raise student achievement. 

    - Suggestions on improving Parent Involvement? Speak to an administrator or member of the front office staff. (904) 739-5260.



    ***Parent and Family Engagement Plan***

    Parents, if you would like more info or a copy of the SJE Parent Family Engagement Plan, please see the front office staff.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.