Thanks to Title I resources we can:
Our school is participating in the Title I, Part A grant project. Our School Improvement Plan can be accessed by visiting https://www.floridacims.org/districts/duval and our Parent and Family Engagement Plan is available by visiting our Parent Resource Room, contacting the school, or emailing title1@duvalschools.org. Plans are also available in multiple languages
- Provide Parent Resource Room across from the main office.
- Access to a lending library of Academic and Social Skill materials.
- Offer parental training on ways to raise student achievement.
- Suggestions on improving Parent Involvement? Speak to an administrator or member of the front office staff. (904) 739-5260.
***Parent and Family Engagement Plan***
Parents, if you would like more info or a copy of the SJE Parent Family Engagement Plan, please see the front office staff.