School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people representing various segments of the community – parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/industry people and other interested community members. Our Mt. Herman SAC Chairperson is Renee Worley. The goal of the council is to assist in the development of educational priorities, assessment of the school's needs and identification of local resources available to meet those needs. Each school in the State of Florida must have a SAC. By law, each SAC must be composed of the principal and an “appropriately balanced” number of “stakeholders.” These individuals must be representative of the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school. The majority of SAC members (over 50 percent) must not be employed by the school on whose SAC they serve.
The functions of the School Advisory Council are to:- Assist in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan
- Assist in the preparation of the school budget
- Approve expenditures from School Improvement funds
Other broad functions of the school advisory councils:
- To participate in scheduled SAC meetings and carry out assignments.
- To participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds.
- To initiate activities or programs that generates greater cooperation between the community and schools.
- To assist in the development of educational goals and objectives.
- To review and provide input on curriculum issues.
- To recommend various support services and resources.
- To assist in the preparation of the accreditation report.
- To perform any such function as are prescribed by regulations of the school board.
- To perform other functions as requested by the principal.
SAC MembersDr. Yvonne ToddDelores JohnsonJoining SACIf you are interested in joining the Mt. Herman School Advisory Council and would like more information, please complete the following information and return to Mt. Herman to the attention of: Renee Worley, SAC Chairperson or Delores Johnson, Assistant Principal.
Dates are below and all meetings will be held at 12:00 Noon unless otherwise noted.
- August 28
- September 25
- October 23
- November 20
- December 11
- January 22
- February 26
- March 26
Virtual SAC Meeting
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