Students may begin entering the school at 8:00am.  For the safety of your child, we ask that you do not drop off your child any earlier than 8:00am, unless they are in TOTS, News Crew, or Patrols. There will be no supervision for your child until 8:00am.


    Extended Day (Morning Care)- parents may drop students off at the back gate beginning at 7:00am.  Students will be checked in by the extended day director and directed to the cafeteria until 8:00.


    Walkers- students may arrive on campus beginning at 8:00am. 


    Car Riders- our patrols and other adults will be outside beginning at 8:00 in the car circle where you will drop off your child.  


    Bus Riders- students will begin unloading the busses at 8:00am.  They will be directed by safety patrols and other adults either to breakfast or to sit outside their classrooms to follow our morning hallway procedures.




    Dismissal begins at 2:45pm.  If you need to check your child out early, you must check them out through the front office prior to 2:15pm.  We do not allow check-out after 2:15pm


    Front and Back Walkers-  Walkers will be dismissed beginning at 3:00. An adult will walk with them to either the front hall or the back gate and check their name off as they leave campus. 


    Car Riders- students will be lined up by grade level on the side walk in the car rider line beginning at 2:50. Parents should wait in the car line along Boone Park Ave. Your child will be called as you approach and put in the car for you. At 3:00, any students not yet picked up will be taken into the front office to wait for a parent. 


    Park and Pick-Up - students will walk with a teacher from their grade level to the playground beginning at 2:50. Students will sit according to grade level and wait for their name to be called.  An adult will meet parents at the tables and check students off as they leave.  At 3:00, gates are closed and students will wait in the front office to be picked up. 


    Busses- students will be dismissed to their grade level bus area beginning at 2:40.   An adult will check off their name as they board the bus.  (If you have questions regarding bus pick up/drop off times, please contact transportation at 858-6200)


    Extended Day (Afternoon Care)- students will be directed to the cafeteria at 3:00.  Students will have snack time.  Their afternoon extended day teacher will then be with them from 3:10-6:00.