Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a parent to attend courses?
No. The Parent Academy is a resource for all parents, caregivers and community members.
How much do the courses cost?
Parent Academy courses are FREE to the public. There are no additional fees to participate in any of Parent Academy's courses or events.
How do I access a course?
Parent Academy courses are offered virtually through Microsoft Teams. After registering for a course online, a link to access it will be emailed to you. Visit www.duvalschools.org/ParentAcademy to view the digital catalog on our website. Contact ParentAcademy@duvalschools.org or call 904.390.2960 if you have any questions.
Do I have to register for the course?
Yes. In order to receive the link to join a virtual course, those who want to participate must register online. Registration has many benefits including (but not limited to) course-reminders, up-to-date course information, and accurate reporting. Participants may register through email or by accessing the digital catalog and selecting the title of the course(s) you wish to take. The digital catalog can be accessed on our website at www.duvalschools.org/ParentAcademy.
How can I get a hard-copy of the catalog?
Printed versions of the catalogs are mailed to DCPS families and staff twice a year. If you did not receive one, please contact the Parent Academy office for a copy.
Why are there three strands (categories)?
Student Achievement: Some parents haven’t done math in several years and, when they did, it wasn’t done the way it’s done now. This is just one example of why Student Achievement courses are so important. Most Student Achievement courses are taught by district DCPS staff members, which brings the experts to the parents not only to educate them, but to answer any questions they may have to successfully assist their child(ren) academically.
Parenting & Advocacy: Parents who attend Parenting & Advocacy courses aren’t “bad parents.” These courses are for parents who love their children, and just want to add some additional parenting “tools to their toolbox.” These courses help parents deal with busy and difficult times, teach effective communication and discipline strategies, and train parents on how to advocate for their children by teaching leadership and advocacy skills, and how to navigate the school system successfully.
Personal & Individual Growth: Personal & Individual Growth courses empower the parent to “do something for themselves.” Parents spend a lot of time ensuring their children have all that they need, while sometimes putting their goals on the “back burner.” This strand of courses helps the parent both personally and professionally, as a happy and fulfilled parent… raises a happy and fulfilled child.
How long has the Parent Academy been in Duval County?
The Parent Academy of Duval County Public Schools began in the 2013-2014 school-year; an initiative spearheaded by Dr. Nikolai Vitti, former Superintendent of Schools.
How can my company support the Parent Academy?
Businesses can support the Parent Academy in many ways:
a. Parent Academy is a district funded program but donations and/or grant opportunities are always welcomed.
b. Help to market the Parent Academy by putting a blurb in your company newsletter, posting flyers around your buildings, put a link to the website on your website and/or intranets for employees and/or the public, or invite a Parent Academy representative to speak at a staff meeting or employee function.
c. Host a lunch and learn: Survey your staff to determine what topic(s) they’d like to have at your place of business, then contact the Parent Academy to schedule a date/time to offer that course to working-parents during the workday. When your budget allows, provide the lunch for your employees for the workshop; it’s a great way to show your commitment to the employees at your place of business.
d. Invite the Parent Academy to events where we are able to set-up a resource table and share information about our program and all that we have to offer the community.
e. Brainstorm another way you can assist and contact us; we’d love to hear your ideas!
How can my faith-based institution support the Parent Academy?
In addition to some of the ways a business can get involved, faith-based institutions can also support the Parent Academy by:
a. Offering your faith-based institution as a host site for courses (additionally, consider providing food and/or childcare if applicable)
b. If your faith-based institution has transportation, select a course (or courses) from the course-catalog and offer transportation to and from the course.
c. Invite the Parent Academy to teach a course to a group of participants at a previously scheduled event.
d. Advertise the Parent Academy in your church bulletin and during announcements.
e. Email weekly course-offerings to congregants (if applicable)
f. Brainstorm other ways you can assist and contact us; we’d love to hear more ideas
Why don’t you offer a course on _____________?
Contact us! This resource exists for you, and we welcome course suggestions. Contact ParentAcademy@duvalschools.org with additional questions.
Will I receive a course-completion certificate?
Course-completion certificates are available upon request by emailing ParentAcademy@duvalschools.org or calling 904.390.2960.