Effective August 19, 2013, school bus transportation is provided to students who live more than 1.5 miles from the school they attend. One mile is identified as a reasonable walking distance to a bus stop for students who are eligible to ride a school bus.

    Transportation for students participating in magnet, choice, special programs, and exceptional education programs is provided under specific guidelines. Secondary (middle and high) magnet routes and Alternative school routes will be "Express Routes" with stops made primarily at schools, near schools, or approved public locations. The one mile walking distance to a bus stop does not apply to students using Express routes.

    It is highly recommended that parents of kindergarten students tag their child with his/her name, school attending, bus number(s) and bus stop.

    Additionally, each parent/guardian of a kindergarten student is required to complete a form at their school to make a preference about dismissal. Some parents may choose for their child to be met by someone at the bus stop, and some may allow their child to walk home. Please be sure the school has given a copy of the form to the bus driver. All bus drivers are instructed to transport only those kindergarten students for whom they have a copy of the form from the school. Parents will be expected to transport their kindergarten student home if they have not filled out a form with the preference for their child.

    DCPS Transportation Department
    (904) 858-6200

    On school days, parents can call from 6:00 AM until 6:30 PM for assistance; on early release days until 4:30 PM.

    Exceptional Student Education Transportation Information
    (904) 858-6236
    Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    For More information regarding District's transportation please click here