• School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

    According to the SHAC Bylaws:
    The purpose of the SHAC shall be to offer recommendations and advice to the Duval County School Board and Duval County Public Schools Administration on issues that relate to the health of children and their families, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control Coordinated School Health Model, including, but  not limited to matters pertaining to Health Education, Physical Education, Health Services, Nutrition Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, Healthy School Environment, Health Promotion for Staff, Family/Community Involvement, the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program and the Wellness Policy. 
    Within the SHAC, there are various subcommittees which address specific topics, including Health Education in DCPS Schools, Health Services in DCPS Schools, Wellness, and Mental Health and Wellbeing. 

SHAC Officers