Students' Records
Florida Statute 232.23 requires that permanent cumulative records be maintained for all students. Parents have the legal right to review or obtain copies of any and all information in a student’s permanent cumulative record. If parents are divorced or separated, both parents have the right to student records unless a legal injunction to the contrary is on file in the student’s cumulative record. The law generally prohibits people from being able to review a student’s education record without consent of the parent with some exceptions. “Directory information” can be made available for broad categories of students. The Family Educational Right s and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are outlined in the Student Records brochure. Parents may opt out of the disclosure of “directory information” at the start of each school year. Parents should complete the Directory Information Form on the back page of the Student Records brochure indicating their instructions concerning directory information release each year.