Restorative Justice Class at Twin Lakes Academy Middle
- Edwards at Twin Lakes Academy Middle School gives a view of how restorative justice is implemented as a course. The course is led by student leaders who prepare for each case and provide follow up peer counseling with students.
Student Accountability Board at Frank H. Peterson
- Student Accountability Boards are designed to encourage accountability by stressing the relationships inherent between individual actions and interventions. Trained student mediators meet to counsel and determine appropriate restitution for student misbehaviors. Frank H. Peterson High School gives a direct look of how Student Accountability Boards are conducted.
Peer Mediation at Frank H. Peterson
- Peer Mediation is a community building practice. Student-peers work collectively to resolve conflict and address issues.Frank H. Peterson gives a detailed description of how to facilitate peer mediation in a school setting.
Morning Meetings at Biscayne
- Rashad Reed at Biscayne Elementary gives an insight of his third-grade class on how he facilitates class meetings (Morning Meetings) to promote social emotional learning skills for all students.