•   Wolverine Sports Medicine Program

     Sponsor Levels
    • Lifetime Wolverine: (Exclusive) inquire about details. This level is a sustaining partnership to aid wolverine athletics


    • Red and Grey: $500- (Exclusive) solo banner at two (2) Wolverines sports venues, 2 tickets to any sporting event on campus (non-special event excluded), Acknowledgement in the Athletic Training Facility,  , Acknowledgement at games for the school year, Certificate of Appreciation, Thank you from Westside Wolverines Athletes


    • Gold: $200- Name on banner in gym or on field, Acknowledgement at games for the season, Certificate of Appreciation, Thank you from Westside Wolverines Athletes


    • Silver: $100- Acknowledgement at games for the school year, Certificate of Appreciation, Thank you from Westside Wolverines Athletes


    • Bronze: $50- Certificate of Appreciation, Thank you from Westside Wolverines Athletes