• Band Audition Requirements

    DA Band members perform - Woodwind and Brass applicants: 

    1. Scales: Applicants are expected to perform all 12 major scales, multiple octaves when appropriate, with arpeggios, and their chromatic scale, throughout the natural range of his/her instrument as per FBA All-State audition requirements.

    2. Two Etudes: Performing the Florida Bandmasters Association All-State Band audition music (lyrical and technical etudes) would be appropriate. Those requirements can be found by clicking on the “All-State” tab at www.flmusiced.org/fba. Students should audition on the current year’s All-State material for their current grade level. Performing the All-State music for your audition is preferable; however, applicants may choose to perform two contrasting FBA-approved solos or method book excerpts of their choice. Etude books or solos may be purchased from any sheet music vendor. Music from your band class is not deemed appropriate for this audition.

    3. One Sight Reading: You will be asked to play an excerpt lasting approximately 16 measures, according to your ability. You will be given 30 seconds to review the excerpt before you play it.

    - Percussion applicants:

    1. Scales: Applicants are expected to perform all 12 major scales, multiple octaves when appropriate, with arpeggios, and their chromatic scale, on xylophone or marimba as per All-State audition requirements.

    2. Three Etudes: The student must prepare three selections of contrasting style to demonstrate the student’s ability on snare drum, xylophone or marimba, and timpani. The pieces should be selected using All-State requirements for their current grade level. Those requirements can be found by clicking on the “All State” tab at www.flmusiced.org/fba. Performing the All-State music for your audition is preferable; however, applicants may choose to perform three contrasting selections or movements of their choice. Timpani, xylophone, and snare drum will be provided. Percussionists shall provide their own mallets, drumsticks, etc. Etude books or solos may be purchased from any sheet music vendor. Music from your band class is not deemed appropriate for this audition.

    3. One Sight Reading: You will be asked to play a xylophone excerpt lasting approximately 16 measures, according to your ability. You will be given 30 seconds to review the excerpt before you play it.