•  Nutrition guidelines

    1. Eat 2-3 meals a day with small snacks in between meals
    2. Athletes need more Carbohydrates than average person. Need about 45-55% of daily diet.
      1. Carbohydrates provide our main source of energy
        1. Sources of good carbohydrates:
          1. Organic fruits and vegetables
          2. Beans and lentils (also known as legumes)
          3. Unrefined whole grains (some examples include 100% whole grain bread, brown rice, unprocessed oatmeal such as steel-cut oats, and barley).
        2. Bad sources of carbohydrates:
          1. Sodas (both sweetened and diet)
          2. Candy
          3. Baked goods (cakes, cookies, etc.) made with white flour
          4. White bread
          5. Sugary breakfast cereals (including instant oatmeal)
          6. White rice and pasta/ French fries and potato chips
          7. Junk food
        3. Protein
          1. Protein is a key component of muscle, skin, hair, and other tissues of the body. You also need protein to manufacture the enzymes and hormones that are involved in digestion, metabolism, tissue growth and repair, which is why protein should be added to every meal.  Good sources of protein include:
            1. Lean meats (beef, chicken, pork, lamb and fish)
            2. Eggs
    • Organic dairy products (such as cheese and plain yogurt)
    1. Raw nuts (avoid peanuts)
    2. Natural nut butters (peanut and almond butter)
    3. Fermented soy products (such as miso, tamari and tempeh
    • Legumes (beans, peas and lentils)
    1. Fats
      1. Fats are needed for your body to function properly. Besides being an energy source, fat is used in the protection of cell membranes and helps regulate blood pressure, heart rate, blood clotting and the nervous system (especially important with proper brain functioning).  Fats also help maintain healthy hair and nails, and carry fat-soluble vitamins from the food you eat into your body.
        1. Look for foods low in saturated fats and avoid bad fats (trans fats or hydrogenated fats that are chemically processed), found in fried foods, junk food, and some cooking oils.
        2. Good sources of healthy fats include avocados, cold water fish (tuna, salmon, and mackerel), raw nuts (except peanuts), nut butters, seeds, and cooking oils (Coconut, Olive, Safflower and Sesame Oil).
      2. Minerals
        1. Minerals are critical to normal body function; they are not produced in the body and must be obtained through the food we eat and by proper supplementation. The BIG 4 include calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium
          1. Good sources of these nutrients include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, beans/lentils, fish, nuts/seeds, whole grains, bananas, potatoes, beets, oranges and peppers.
        2. Vitamins
          1. Vitamins play an important role in our overall health and nutritional status as well and also must be obtained through the food we eat and proper supplementation. There are two types—fat-soluble (which are stored in the body) and water-soluble (which cannot be stored and need to be replenished often). 
            1. Good vitamin sources include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, nuts, dairy products and plant oils.
          2. Water
            1. Athletes should drink half their body weight in ounces in water daily before physical activity.
            2. After activity athletes should drink 8oz of water for every pound lost during physical activity

    Game Day

    • Eat at least 2 hours before the event — early enough to digest the food before game time
    • Have plenty of carbs and lean protein and be low in fat, because fat is harder to digest and can cause an upset stomach
    • After game/competition: Your body will be rebuilding muscle tissue and restoring carbs and fluids for up to 24 hours after the competition, so it’s important that you get plenty of protein, fat, and carbs in the postgame hours.
    • Don’t forget to drink plenty of water before, during and after games
    • Foods high in potassium are also recommended, especially post-exercise, to replace electrolytes lost from perspiration. Bananas, yogurt, melons, oranges, strawberries, pears, peaches, grapes, sunflower seeds and walnuts are good choices and easy snacks to pack.
