• Policies and Procedures

    The following policies and procedures were established to sustain a comprehensive athletic training program. Please contact John DeBruhl if questions arise regarding any of these. 

    Participation Policies: ALL student-athletes are required to have athletic paperwork COMPLETELY filled out BEFORE they are cleared to participate in sports. 

    Athletic Training Room Policies:

    1. Please sign-in CORRECTLY

    2. Athletes will be treated on a first come first served basis

    3. NO profanity or inappropriate language in the ATR

    4. This is NOT a locker room

    5. NO equipment or personal belongings in the ATR

    6. NO food or drinks in the ATR

    7. DO NOT take anything from the ATR without permission

    8. ALL equipment must be returned to the ATR

    9. This is NOT a place to hang out

    10. If the certified athletic trainer is NOT present, then an athlete is NOT allowed in the ATR

    Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in loss of privileges for the day!

    Physician Referral Policies: If an athlete has been seen by a physician for any reason ALL paperwork must be given to the certified athletic trainer. This allows the certified athletic trainer to notify those on accommodations the athlete might require. Also, if the certified athletic trainer has determined an injury requires referral to a medical specialist for further evaluation or treatment, then she will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the athlete to discuss the recommendation for referral.

    Our team physician serves as a volunteer supervisor over our sports medicine team. For referrals to a physician the first option is the family health care provider. If the athlete DOES NOT have a family health care provider, then our team physician may be an alternate choice for the athlete or the athlete may be referred to another medical specialist instead. Parent(s)/guardian(s) should allow the certified athletic trainer authorization to communicate directly with the treating physician regarding the sports-related injury. For the safety of the athlete they must give the certified athletic trainer the appropriate clearance documentation from the treating physician to return to play. It is the responsibility of the athlete and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure that the treating physician forwards ALL requested paperwork to the certified athletic trainer.

    Written clearance documentation to return to play DOES NOT guarantee the athlete will be able to immediately return to the highest level of physical activity. Therefore, it is important for the certified athletic trainer to reevaluate an injury in order to determine the athlete's readiness to return to full participation. It is important for the coaches and certified athletic trainer to maintain good communication about the athlete returning to play following an injury.

    The certified athletic trainer is the on-site healthcare provider with the responsibility and authority to withhold any athlete from participation if they believe the athlete is at further risk of injury. The certified athletic trainer works under the direction of a supervising physician via a standard operational protocol.