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  • Secondary Science Fair 2023-2024

    Friday, Jan. 26, 2024


    GRAND PRIZE - Emmaline Spottswood - 11th grade - Paxon School for Advanced Studies/SPARK

    1st Runner up - Ananya Kunamnemi - 12th grade - Stanton College Preparatory/SPARK

    2nd Runner up - Ysabella Wijaya - 12th grade - Darnell Cookman/SPARK

    12th Grade

    1st Place - Nicole Searl - Stanton College Preparatory

    11th Grade

    1st Place - Eric Lan - Paxon School for Advanced Studies
    2nd Place - Sofia West - Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Technologies

    10th Grade

    1st Place - Natasha Searl - Duncan Fletcher High School

    9th Grade

    1st Place - Brooke Bolton & Izabelle Augustine - Duncan Fletcher High School

    8th Grade

    1st Place - Amanda Laughlin - Mandarin Middle
    2nd Place - Bridgette Beaver - Mandarin Middle
    3rd Place - Khloe Donner - Springfield Middle

    7th Grade

    1st Place - Kylie Jaucian - Charger Academy
    2nd Place - Wynter Knowles - Kernan Middle
    3rd Place - Reese Datoli - Springfield

    6th Grade

    1st Place - Rylan Velasco - Landmark Middle
    2nd Place - Cash Lee - Landmark Middle
    3rd Place - Lucas Salcedo - Landmark Middle

    Honorable Mention

    Campbell Blaha - Landmark Middle
    Kennedy Booker & Angeline De Los Reyes - Dupont Middle
    Anthony Odeh - Mandarin Middle

    Lastly, thank you to our student ambassadors and their teachers: Arlington Middle - Ms. Dawkins, Charger Academy - Ms. O'Neal, DuPont - Ms. Getchel, Jean Ribault Middle - Ms. Humbert, Landmark - Ms. Kellam, and Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Technologies - Ms. Parnes and Mr. Rollerson!  


    Science Fair Timeline


    JAX Library Gale Research Resources

     Resources PowerPoint


    Science Fair Handbook

    DCPS Science Fair Handbook



  • If you have any questions about Science Fair please email us at 2820_secondarysciencefair@duvalschoolsorg.onmicrosoft.com


    Leslie White: Secondary Science Fair Facilitator 

    Robbie Keuchler: Secondary Science Fair Co-Facilitator

  • Projects which require approval from DCPS and additional forms prior to beginning the experiment:

    1. Use of Humans (depending on the project, students need approval of an MD,  Nurse Practitioner or Registered Nurse, or a person with an MS in Sociology or Psychology)
    2. Use of Vertebrate Animals (need approval of a Veterinarian or Vet Assistant)
    3. Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (must be done with a qualified scientist with limitations as to the type of agent allowed and the location of the experiments)
    4. Hazardous Chemicals, Activities, and Devices (depending on the project, students must work with a qualified scientist [chemicals above 1 M concentration or with specific risks based on the Safety Data Sheet information] or supervised by an adult [use of power tools or certain chemicals])
    5. Students can use the ISEF Wizard to determine whether their projects fall into one of these categories, or can contact the Secondary Science team at 2820_secondarysciencefair@duvalschoolsorg.onmicrosoft.com.


    Projects conducted at a research institution require form 1C, and projects continuing from a previous year require form 7.


    Link to ISEF Abstract: https://sspcdn.blob.core.windows.net/files/Documents/SEP/ISEF/2022/Forms/2022-21-Categories.pdf


    Link to ISEF forms: https://sspcdn.blob.core.windows.net/files/Documents/SEP/ISEF/2024/Forms/All.pdf


    Link to ISEF Rules booklet: https://sspcdn.blob.core.windows.net/files/Documents/SEP/ISEF/2024/Rules/Book.pd


    Link to ISEF forms wizard to determine which forms to use: https://ruleswizard.societyforscience.org/


    Project Categories:

    We are unable to alter the ISEF form which has 21 categories.

     The following categories will not be used, and if students check these categories, we will reassign them:

    • Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

    • Embedded Systems

    • Systems software

    • Translational Medical Sciences

    • Engineering Mechanics