• From where are the fees generated?

    Each year, schools must account for missing or damaged books, technology, and various fees on which students have yet to pay.  The documented information carries over to the next school as long as it is a Duval County Public School.  At any time, a parent or student can verify the "debt list" and make sure the student is clear of any and all fines.

    It is important to check this at least once each semester so that accounts can be cleared and up to date.


    How can I verify if I have an outstanding debt?

  • Printable document:  Verifying Student Debt Account as CLEAR


    To locate your account that will verify any outstanding charges or fees, please follow these instructions:


    NOTE: These instructions are best if you are SIGNED ON TO A DCPS Computer that has the ability for single sign in processes to secure your students' information.


    1.  Log onto a DCPS computer, open a browser and type in https://duval.follettdestiny.com

    2. On the opening page, on the far right side, click the LOG IN button

    Destiny Login

    3. Click the DUVAL SINGLE SIGN ON bar.  It may ask you for your Microsoft log in username, if so, you will need to use your student email address: s########@students.duvalschools.org (#=your student number)



    4. Once you have logged in and landed on the home page, you will see a link called MY INFO


    MY INFO will show any types of outstanding DCPS items/charges for the student.  These include things such as outstanding library books, fines such as badge fees or activity fees that have not been settled, and/or missing textbooks.  Please note the fees shown in Destiny are for any school the student has attended in Duval County Public School.


    MY INFO page

    If you have any books out from previous years or previous DCPS schools, now would be a good time to hunt them down and turn them in or pay for the books.

    Outstanding balances can be paid in the Media center before and after school.