Contact Information
Michele Mauger, Director maugerm@duvalschools.org
Conchessa Reis, Director reisc@duvalschools.org
When you apply for Extended Day this year, it will be through a new program called Eleyo. You must apply for a seat using this site, only. Extended Day sites will not accept cash payments, checks, or money orders. All payments MUST be paid online through Eleyo. Duval County and Community Education will not use Cash Online to pay for Extended Day services.
Extended Day registration is online only.
Applying for Extended Day does not guarantee a seat in the program.
Parents will receive an email from a director to confirm your child has a seat in Extended Day. There is limited seating this year due to a limited staff.
It is imperative you give an email that you check often. Eleyo communication will be through the email given.
Welcome to Twin Lakes Extended Day,
Your child has been accepted into the 2024-2025 Extended Day Program. Read this information in its entirety as there is information that may hinder your child from entering the program on their first day and relinquishing their seat to another student.
- Your child is not confirmed until the first payment is received. Parents can make the first payment before it is posted. The payment made will show a credit until the first invoice is dropped into the Eleyo data base. The first payment is due no later than 8/5/22. On 8/6/22, all unpaid accounts will forfeit their seat and it will be given to the next child on the waiting list.
- Payments MUST be made on time each month. Multiple late payments will result in dismissal from the program.
- Parents are required to keep an active and updated email on Eleyo for monthly updates and payment reminders. This is not an option. Actively checking your email will help with payment reminders and extended day updates.
- Due to safety restrictions, all parents must enter the building for student pick-up. Parents. Caregivers MUST sign out their child before the staff can dismiss them. There are no exceptions.
- Late fees will not be waived. Parents are sent an email each month to remind them of payments due. Parents may also request a printed payment schedule at the front desk.
- Parents that are late pick- up their child must sign the late pick-up document. One minute is considered late. Parents do not accrue late pick-up charges until 6:05 in the amount of $5.00. Dismissal from the program can occur after the 3rd late pick-up. 6:01 is considered a late pick-up.
- As stated in the registration process, parents/ caregivers must email Mrs. Mauger if they need to withdraw from the program. Absenteeism is not an option to withdraw your child. Seats are held for children until an email is received from the parent/ caregiver. The account balance will continue to accrue until the withdrawal email is received.
- Students in 1st-5th grade are given homework time every day. The extended day staff will help with homework as much as possible, but are not tutors. They will not enforce homework time with students that say they do not have it, or they do it at home. This is a conversation that you must have at home to ensure their homework is being completed. Homework time is a quiet time for students to work. Send alternative activities for your child to do during this time. Coloring, drawing, or reading a book are all acceptable activities during homework time. Be mindful that students are on a rotating daily schedule. Pickup time determines if homework, playground, and activities have transpired.
- Dismissal for students takes time. Allow clean up and travel time through our large building. Students are housed throughout the school. If you have waited more than 10 minutes for your child, ask for the front-desk staff to call again.
- Aggressive behavior and profanity will not be tolerated by adults. Such behavior will result in your child’s immediate dismissal from the program.
- Identification requests at dismissal are not optional. All authorized adults picking up a child must show identification before a child is released. This is for the safety of your child. As the year progresses and the front-desk staff is familiar with you, you may not need your identification every day. If you are unwilling to show proper ID, your child will not be released.
- For the safety of all students, parents are not permitted near the fence line. All dismissals must be made through radio communication with the front desk.
- Parents can add additional pick-up authorization on Eleyo. Once a person has been added, you must email Mrs. Mauger.
- A small snack is given to the students when they arrive to extended day. Please send in extra snacks (drinks) with your child based on your child’s needs. Helpful Hint: If your child brings lunch, put the extended day snack in a separate Ziplock back and label it extended day. Show your child the bag and explain that it is for an afternoon snack. Some children will eat it all at lunch or throw it away.
- No toys, cell phones, or electronics are permitted in Extended Day.
- Behavior referrals are given for misconduct and can result in dismissal. The consequences and dismissal are at the discretion of the directors.
Mrs. Mauger, Director of Extended Day
Mrs. Fink, Director of Extended Day
Jimmie Freeman, Assistant Director of Extended Day
Parent Handbook Code of Conduct
Media Release Form Medication Authorization Form
Other Important Links: