Message from the superintendent: March 22, 2020
Hello Families,
This is Superintendent Diana Greene emailing to prepare you for home-based school tomorrow.
Duval Homeroom is now open. You can get there through our website, www.duvalschools.org, on a computer or a smart phone. The information you need about how to do school in your home is all on the site.
As we enter this new adventure of home-based learning through Duval HomeRoom, I want you to know that you are surrounded with support. No matter the challenges we face or the difficulties we encounter, your teachers, principals and school and district staff will continue to work tirelessly to help your children move forward educationally.
You know that our teachers love to be with your children, and while health and safety requires that we remain distant, our teachers will use technology and the telephone to re-connect and re-engage with your children to the best of their ability during this home-learning era.
We also want to connect to keep children nourished. Beginning Monday, we are running our neighborhood elementary school bus routes to deliver lunch to all students of all grade levels. You can see the full bus schedule on the HomeRoom web page.
One last thing about the buses for elementary school families. If your elementary school child does not have technology, the buses will deliver two-week learning packets to keep your students engaged in home learning until we can get them connected. If you do have technology, you are welcome to have a packet as a supplement, but an online connection to your classroom teachers will be available on Monday.
Tomorrow, we will be experiencing the first day of school in this new environment, and patience and flexibility must be our shared core values. If you do not yet have technology to connect, or if your technology isn’t connecting, don’t worry at all. This first week especially, we will start slowly, as we all orient to this new way of school.
Tomorrow and every day, we will face our challenges with a growth mindset, knowing that these challenges are learning experiences, and we will be courageous in learning as we solve them.
These are unchartered waters. Let’s move forward with patience and compassion. Let’s embrace mindfulness and self-care, and together, let’s do our very best for the children.
Have a great evening and tomorrow, let’s get back to school.
Dr. Diana Greene
Superintendent, Duval County Public Schools