MAY 2021
Hi Parents!
We have all worked so hard this year, and summer is almost upon usl Are you excited about summer, but not quite sure how to fill that extra time and keep your kiddos' brains working over the breaK? No worries, we've got you covered! Here is a little guide to keep us and our kids thriving during our summer hiatusl Happy Summer, and continued Peace, Love, and Learning to us all!
Jill Cerajioli
Chaffee Trail Elementary
Parent Liaison
By this time of year we are all ready for a break from the daily school and homework routine, right? While it's important to take a break and have fun making memories this summer, it's also essential that learning does not come to a halt. Some studies show that children can lose between one and three months of learning during the summer months, with the largest learning loss occurring in Math. That is a staggering statistic, but it doesn't have to be this way. Does this mean that you should hove your child do worksheets all summer? Not necessarily. There are many ways to have FUN while learning! Some fun ideas may include:Devote one day a week to allowing your child to choose the dinner recipe. Have them look up the ingredients, write the shopping list, choose and _ weigh the items at the store, add up the totals on a calculator, figure out the change, and help in dinner preparation with measuring ingredients. • Have a scavenger hunt! You con hove many different types! Wont to focus on words? Go to a library, or even the grocery store and have them find as many words that start with a "C". or end with a "Y." Or find as many words in the dictionary that your child doesn't know the meaning to that start with a "Z." See if they can learn the meaning and use the words in a sentence. Want. to focus on Science? Walk a nature trail and see how many insects they can find. They can even classify them according to the number of legs or color. Want to focus on Math? Go on a number hunt.
• Keep them reading! If you wont to make it more fun, choose a book you can both read together by taking turns, or maybe grab a copy for yourself and the two of you read independently and compare notes. Maybe have a family or neighborhood book club. You could even host one virtually. Choose a book and talk about the characters, author, illustrator, main idea, conflicts in the story, etc.
• The library has many fun and FREE summer activities and books to check out! Make a weekly trip if you can. Can't make it to the library in person? You can also access some library materials online.• Have a fun water day once a week! If you're swimming in the pool, have a race while seeing how many movies or book titles you con name that start with the letter "A" or that have a number in the title. If you are playing in the sprinkler, every time you run through the sprinkler make up part of a story, or do a multiplication problem.
- Help create a play with your child. Have them write the script and come up with costumes. Keep a journal with your summer activities in it. Watch a movie together but write an alternative beginning or ending.
- Do you want your child to do those worksheets? Okay. how about playing "school" together and take turns being the teacher and the student. You do some worksheets, and let them do some worksheets. Or if you have a small dry erase board and dry erase markers, let them write on that. Kids love to do those sorts of things.
These are just some of many ways you can keep learning fun! And remember it's all about the delivery. If you say to your child, "it's time to do schoolwork," they aren't likely to be too thrilled. But if you find ways to gradually incorporate learning into their day in fun and creative ways, then they will be receptive and gain the benefits. Win, win!
If your child isn't already involved in a chore routine, the summertime is a perfect time to get them started! According to the Parent Institute March 2021 Newsletter, chores can help your child become more responsible, help build learning skills by teaching them to follow directions, help them feel needed as an important contributor to the household's functioning. help them develop planning and time
management/prioritization skills, help them feel a sense of investment (ie .• if your child just swept that floor. they probably will make sure they wipe their feet before tracking mud on it), helps them take pride in their work, and teaches them basic life skills they will need one day on their own. Children of all ages can do chores. Even toddlers can help pick up their toys. So get them started now to create good, responsible habits for a lifetime."I'M BORED ... "
The two-word phrase that every parent looks forward to hearing each summer, right? There are many fun and free or low cost activities that you can engage your child in over the summer, and if you are in need of ideas, check out Jax4kids.com. However, I want to tell you something that I hope will free you. You are not in charge of curing your child's boredom. Wait, what?! Yes, it's true. In fact, it's good for your children to be bored sometimes. According to the website, theschoolrun.com, boredom has many benefits such as stimulating creativity and problem solving skils. building confidence when coming up with ways to occupy one's time, building resiliency or "grit," and improving mental health. So, it's ok for them to be bored. I'll end this article with a quote to reinforce this concept. "Boredom always precedes a great period of creativity." ~Robert M. Pirsig (Writer and Philosopher). So there you have it. Let them be bored. Like broccoli,. it's good for them!FUN IN THE KITCHEN:
Chack this recipe out to learn how to make homemade ice cream in a plastic bag.
Do you have any fun and family friendly summer recipes you like to make with your kids? If so, please share them on our Chaffee Trail Elementary Parent Power Page Facebook page!