Homeless Education
For more information regarding Homeless Education please click on the link below:
Services Available
- Assistance with school enrollment
- Assistance with obtaining school records
- Tutorial services (pending availability of funds)
- Assistance with transportation to school, appointments, etc.
- Assistance with obtaining appointments for medical examinations, immunizations, etc.
- Assistance with obtaining dental check-ups and birth certificates
- Assistance with clothing and school supplies
- Referrals to social service agencies for financial assistance, shelter, etc.
Student EligibilityProject Access serves homeless children and youth from birth to 21 years of age. This includes children who are eligible for Head Start, Even Start, and preschool programs administered by the Local Education Agency (LEA).
Referral Procedures
Teachers, principals, school social workers, parents, school psychologists, students, and community agency staff may refer individuals in the community.