DCPS Laptops for Students
Free Laptops Available (While Supplies Last)
A limited supply of brand-new, take-home laptops are available for all students enrolled with Duval County Public Schools.
These laptops are available through a special grant called the Emergency Communications Fund (ECF) grant.
Thanks to the grant, these laptops are available to all students while supplies last.
Families can apply by completing the ECF Laptop Survey.
- Families must have a Linked Parent Account to apply.
- Supplies are limited. Preference is given to families who express need.
FAQ - Free Laptops
Who are these laptops for?
- These laptops are for any DCPS student who is in need of a computer at home.
Do I have to apply?
- Yes, parents have to complete a survey in order to apply. The link to the survey is https://dcps.us/ECF.
How is eligibility determined?
- This offer is for students enrolled in a Duval County Public Schools’ traditional school. Charter school students are not eligible.
- Priority is given to students and families in need of a laptop in the home.
- Priority is also given to children in elementary school because both middle and high school students are already assigned take-home laptops by the district.
- Everyone that is in need should apply.
What type of laptops are available?
- These are Lenovo laptops. Every student will be supplied a copy of Microsoft Office 365 for their laptop.
Will students have to return laptops at the end of the year?
No, students will only return the laptops when they are no longer enrolled in the district. This can include when they graduate or if they transfer to another school district or a private school.
When and how will laptops be provided?
- Within a few days of completing the survey, parents will receive an email confirming their student is eligible for a laptop.
- Upon confirmation of eligibility, laptops should be available for pick-up at the child's school within two weeks of completing the survey.
Does my student need to bring it to school for use?
- No, it is not required to be used at school (but can be if desired).
Will students be able to take home the laptops?
- Yes, once assigned a laptop, students can take and keep their laptops at home.
Can my student receive a laptop if they have already received a district-issued laptop?
- Yes.
Is my student the only one who is permitted to use the device?
- No, the device can be used by any family member residing in the home supporting their student's academic success.
What happens if my student loses their laptop power cord?
- Students and families can replace their power cords if lost or damaged. A purchasing option is below:
What is the ECF grant?
- To help close the technology gap for students in need, the district applied for a federal grant known as the Emergency Communications Fund (ECF) grant.
- Through this grant, the district is able to loan 43,000 laptops to students.
- The district will continue to distribute laptops until supplies run out.