What is B3?
Due to an increase in technological recreation and the lack of active play, students may be entering schools with bodies underdeveloped for learning. Do you know kids who fidget, wiggle, or chew their shirts? How about students who are angry, frustrated, irritable, or "shut down" due to academic pressures?
B3 activities are designed to be easily implemented in any classroom, hallway, media center, small tutor room, mobile unit, stage in a cafeteria, and/or in a principal's office. Additionally, many of the B3 activities require little to no equipment.
Each school has received active hallways and/or outdoor stencils, a set of 140 B3 activity cards, and a B3 lab filled with equipment.
Based on brain-body research conducted, B3 activities can help enhance the following:
- Cognitive Function
- Mental Health
- Motor-skill development
- Social-Emotional Well-Being
- Common Sensory Problems
By incorporating B3 activities into a classroom, gymnasium, or lab, schools can help students in Grades K-6 develop the fundamental motor skills to spark their brains, build their bodies, and improve their behavior to increase academic performance.
Developed to be used by professionals and educators who work with children on a daily basis, every B3 task card includes an image and written cues on how to perform the activity. Each card also identifies which sensory system(s) (visual, tactile, proprioceptive, auditory, or vestibular) the activity can help develop when performed consistently.
B3 Schools in DCPS
Ortega Elementary
Woodland Acres Elementary
Mandarin Oaks Elementary
Ruth N. Upson Elementary
Anchor Academy
Ramona Blvd Elementary
Hogan-Springs Glenn Elementary
Chimney Lakes Elementary
Gregory Drive Elementary
Normandy Village Elementary
Crown Point Elementary
Northwestern Legends Elementary
Arlington Elementary
John E. Ford Pre K-8 School
B3 in DCPS was made possible by funding through the CDC DASH Grant and Title IV Part A.