• The LEAP Program is designed to assist those who already have a bachelor’s degree or higher, to transition into teaching.

    The LEAP Program provides test preparation, resources, and guidance to pass subject area certification exams via 240 Tutoring. Candidates who are accepted into the program and complete the 8-week prep course will have their FTCE Subject Area Exam fee waived.


    The LEAP Program Process

    Step 1: We determine if participants are required to pass a Florida Certification Teaching Exam to be eligible to teach. If they do, then we provide free exam preparation and we pay for the exam.

    Step 2: If no exam is required, or when the participant passes a required exam, our team assists in the certification process and offers an open contract to support the hiring process. Principals can also submit an Intent to Hire if interested in a participant.

    Step 3: Participants are then ready for hire; once a principal hires a LEAP candidate, the teacher receives 3 days of mentor training at the school and a full year of support from our Teacher Development and Support team.

    Step 4: Leap Participants are also added to a Canvas course that prepares them for the first few weeks of teaching. 


    LEAP into your future today and enjoy great benefits as a Duval teacher!

    • $48,700 starting salary 
    • Free medical insurance
    • An array of professional growth opportunities


    If you are interested, please complete the interest survey below, and contact us if you have any questions.

    Please use the interest link below to register for the LEAP Test Prep Program.  The information you provide will better help us structure the LEAP Program to suit the needs of our candidates.                 

                                                                                       Interest Link: https://bit.ly/LEAP_Interest_Survey

    Contact Information 
    Dimas Vidales
    Phone (904) 390-2622
    Please contact the Certification Office concerning your certification.