The Adventure Of Learning
Our educators take our students on an adventure. Learning is more than standards and proficiencies. We bring creativity and fun to our classrooms.
We expect the best of our students, and they bring their best. Every day. The expectations are high, but we believe in our students and encourage them. The challenges breed confidence in our students. And success.
Biscayne Elementary is the Stellar Choice for your family. Our passion is to help your child become anything they want to be. Whatever your child imagines, we believe they can achieve.
Our students learn that success in school is the only way to realize their dreams. We believe our students will discover the cure for cancer, invent ground-breaking technology or become the President of the United States. We encourage them to create long-term goals. Never let them give up, allow them to make mistakes, and learn from them. We instill life-long skills that mold your child’s success.