- Be sure to arrive at your testing location on time the day of your scheduled exam(s). No late addmittance.
- Students must have a picture ID (school ID, driver's license, military ID, etc.) in order to be admitted to the exam.
- Students are responsible for bringing the necessary items for testing each day:
- Multiple sharpened, non-mechanical, #2 pencils with erasers
- Multiple pens (blue or black ink only)
- A non-smart watch (just a basic analog watch)
- No wearable technology
- No hats, hoods, or sunglasses
- If your exam allows a calculator, bring the correct type of calculator to the test with you.
- Students may bring snacks/drinks to consume during break time(s). All snacks will be placed on the snack table at the back of the testing area.
- Suggestion: don't bring sugary snacks, bring protein snacks so you won't have a sugar crash and get sleepy.
- A protein bar, cheese and crackers, nuts, carrots, a banana, a sandwich, etc. are all good choices.
- Prohibited Items at Testing:
- Cell phones, pagers, PDAs
- Books of any kind
- Notes, dictionaries, study guides
- Tablets, computers, laptops, wearable technology of any kind
- Portable listening/recording devices
- Photographic equipment
- Correction Fluid (white-out)
- Highlighers, colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc.
- Post-it notes or scratch paper (if scratch paper is needed for a test it will be provided)
- All students must be dismissed at the same time when the exam is completed. Students cannot leave when they finish.
- For those taking afternoon exams, schedule to be off from work on test day (if possible).
- Do not make appointments/commitments before 5:00 p.m. on the afternoon of test days
- Students/parents are responsible for transportation home on days with afternoon exams - no activity buses.
- Make sure you have a ride home before the exam starts - you cannot check during the exam.
- Be sure to arrive at your testing location on time the day of your scheduled exam(s). No late addmittance.