• Patrols-Grade 5

      Safety Patrol Badge with the words School Safety Patrol and the letters AAA

    The primary purpose of this character-building program is to enhance the safety of our students and build positive relationships between students and staff.  In addition, this promotes the development of leadership skills and good citizenship qualities.  A safety patrol's job is to model for students the safety rules that have been taught in the classroom, to assist students in safe transitions throughout the school, and to keep students safe on campus by communicating in a positive manner. This program is affiliated with AAA.

    The position of Student of Service affords many valuable lessons in good citizenship and leadership. Through service, the members become more self-reliant, learn to act quickly and efficiently in an emergency, develop a wholesome regard for the safety of others, and become community conscious for themselves. In order to keep the respect of others, they must realize the necessity of always doing the right thing, even when off duty.

    Please note that this is a full year commitment.  Since we rely on the work of the Students of Service to assist in school wide safety, attendance and timeliness are essential qualities for this commitment. A Student of Service is required to wear the school uniform at all times and the SOS uniform on Fridays and on special occasions.  The uniform consists of a plain blue polo shirt, khaki bottoms and their SOS belt.
    Duties hours are: 7:45-8:25 am and 2:35– 3:10 pm
    Please refer to the Safety Patrol guidelines provided during Orientation for additional expectations, routines, and policies.
    Christina Griffin  griffinc2@duvalschools.org