Blended Learning
This is a link to the district student software page. You will find links to websites like iReady, Achieve3000 and Penda Learning.
Login information: This site uses the Duval Schools Single Sign On. The student log-in is the student's "S number" and password that they use in the classroom. This can be obtained by the student's teacher.
Reflex Math
This website allows the students a fun and challenging way to learn and practice their math facts. The students will strive to be 100% in adding, sutracting, multiplication and dividing.
Login information: The students will need to know the teacher's login and their password which is obtained from the teacher.
Math and Science Gizmos are designed to help students develop a deep and lasting understanding of key concepts in math and science through inquiry and exploration. Gizmos provide our students with over 450 math and science web-based manipulatives. The activities are designed as supplemental curriculum materials that support state and national curriculum standards.Login information: Obtain login information from your teacher.