
  • acct
    The Accounting Department is responsible for monitoring compliance with fiscal and reporting requirements as established by State, Federal law, regulations, District policies and procedures and generally accepted accounting principles for sponsored projects awarded to the District.

    Key services:

    • Ensure that all financial transactions are properly recorded in the SAP system and that all accounts are reconciled on a routine and timely basis.
    • Actively promote and monitor compliance with appropriate State and Federal Agencies' laws, rules and regulations.
    • Prepare financial reports in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

  • transparency logo

    Disclaimer: This Web site offers the user current and reliable information in a convenient manner. However, unintentional errors may occur. The Duval County Public Schools disclaims any responsibility for these errors and has taken reasonable security measures to protect the integrity of the information posted on this Web site.

    At the time of publishing, the Financial Reports are true and correct. However, the information contained in the report is subject to change without notice to the user.