• Disciplinary Actions

    Duval County Public Schools is committed to maintaining a safe, secure, and respectful school environment that reflects the highest standards of our community and society. All persons, students, teachers, administrators, parents, and others on our campuses are expected to conduct themselves in a considerate and respectful manner and support a safe and respectful school environment conducive to learning and constructive, civil dialogue. Teachers, administrators, and staff must operate in a safe and secure environment and receive the respect their positions demand if they are to effectively perform their duties.
    The following information describes the classification of violations, and some general guidance on suspensions and classroom management.  Please refer to the Code of Conduct for a complete listing of all disciplinary actions, special notes, and definition of offenses. Each classification of violation has disciplinary actions and procedures determined by the level of the offense, and number of occurrences. Violations of the Code of Student Conduct are grouped into four levels:

    • Minor Level I
    • Intermediate Level II
    • Major Level III
    • Zero Tolerance Level IV

    Each classification is followed by a disciplinary procedure that is to be implemented by the principal/designee. The Code of Conduct is set up to ensure that principals and school administrators are consistent with administering discipline for violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Consequences should be delivered based on the charts included in the Code of Conduct document and the number of instances that particular violation has occurred as indicated from left to right within each level. Parent/Guardian contact, either written or verbal, should be made each time a student is disciplined by an administrator. If necessary, students involved in a fight or dispute and are assigned In School Suspension will be separated during their suspension to avoid further conflict. In this instance, one student will serve his/her consequence for the assigned number of days and the other student will serve his/her suspension after the first student is released.
    Alternative to Out of School Suspension (ATOSS) may be selected by secondary students in lieu of an out of school suspension-. This alternative will be available at a central location in the district. Transportation to the ATOSS site will be the responsibility of the parent.
    A bus suspension is separate from a school suspension and applies only to the loss of bus riding privileges unless subject to other disciplinary actions, such as out-of-school suspension. Students are required to attend school. Bus suspension does not affect or excuse school attendance. Refer to the Code of Conduct for further clarification for field trips, Exceptional Education Students, and students with Section 504 plans.
    It is understood that when a violation of the Code of Student Conduct occurs, the student’s explanation shall be heard by the principal/designee before determining the classification of the violation. The principal or designee will review each case, including all documentation provided by staff and other witnesses, individually before assigning consequences. Florida Statutes 1003.31, 1003.32, 1006.07, and 1006.09 describe responsibilities of the school principal or other designated staff. The Duval County School Board will conduct an expulsion hearing for a student found to have committed a Zero Tolerance Offense, even if the student withdraws from Duval County Public Schools after committing the offense.
    Classroom teachers will address general classroom disruptions or minor offenses by taking appropriate and documented in- class interventions and/or disciplinary actions. These include, but are not limited to, personal calls to parents/guardians, parent/teacher conferences, referral to a guidance counselor, etc. If such measures do not cease the disruption, a disciplinary referral is appropriate. (Failure to bring notebook, pencil, books, required materials and equipment to class, or failure to work in class, are not cause for disciplinary referrals).
    When a formal disciplinary action is required, the principal/designee will make every reasonable effort to contact the parent/guardian immediately. If telephone contact cannot be made, written notice will be sent home with the student, or placed in the U.S. Mail within twenty-four (24) hours. For secondary students (middle and high school grades), It is the responsibility of the student to notify and/or deliver to his/her parent/guardian all written communications from the school. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary action.

    Again, please refer to the Code of Conduct for specific disciplinary actions, special notes, and definition of offenses. Should you have any questions regarding the Code of Student Conduct, please contact the assistant principal at the school level or call Student Discipline Support Department at 904-390-2443.