• L and L Logo Lunch & Learn

    Lunch and Learn is a positive school-wide initiative to encourage and support student achievement.  This plan allows for time during the day for students to receive remediation, support, or enrichment. 

    Students are allowed to take advantage of a variety of activities during this time:

    • Students may eat lunch in the cafeteria, amphitheater, or outside eating area 
    • Participate in club meetings
    • Meet with teachers for remediation or support
    • Participate in various enrichment activities


    2024-25 Lunch and Learn Planning Guide

    2024-25 Program Information Presentation (Presented to homeroom classes on 8/30/2024)

  • Lunch & Learn Norms


    • Douglas Anderson is a closed campus during the school day.  Students are required to remain on campus for Lunch and Learn.
    • This time is designed for students to have lunch and engage in either art or academic support. Students must attend a “learn” session on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
    • Areas of the campus that are open to students during the “learn” session are:
    • During the “lunch” portion of Lunch and Learn, food is allowed only in the following designated areas: cafeteria, patio area, and amphitheater.
    • Student movement may take place only during transition time (11:55 am - 12:00 pm.)
    • It is the student’s responsibility to use Lunch and Learn as designed to help achieve success in academics and arts.
    • Students must sign in daily to each teacher’s classroom they attend for Lunch and Learn.
    • Hall passes are required for students to transition outside the designated transition times.
    • Students on academic probation must have documentation of attending a “learn” session daily.  This is monitored through the Counseling Office.