• SAC is an acronym for School Advisory Council.  

    The SAC is responsible for:

    (1) helping to develop and evaluate the school improvement plan (SIP) and

    (2) assisting in the preparation of the annual school budget. 

    When implemented correctly, the SAC holds the school accountable for what is outlined in the school improvement plan (SIP). It’s an important layer of accountability which provides perspectives from the dinner table to the classroom.   SAC meetings are an excellent source to obtain current news and information concerning our school.  You can also get information about other Duval County schools, as well as updates from the school board. SAC meetings are open to the public and officers are elected. The voting board is comprised of representatives from RV Daniels, administration, faculty, staff, parents, and community businesses. All SAC meetings occur in the media center or the school cafeteria. 

    Please see our SAC page under "About Us" for more information including meeting dates and minutes and recordings of previous SAC meetings.

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