• Welcome to District 7

    Lori Hershey - District 7 News

    To see more photos and updates on District 7 & Duval HomeRoom please visit my FaceBook Page


    Town Hall Meeting

    Mark your calendar for a Virtual Town Hall meeting with Superintendent Dr. Greene on April 30th!

    Dr. Green Town Hall Mtg

    The link to attend is on my Facebook page


     Mobile Lunch Pick-up & Laptop distribution!

    Board Member Hershey Mobile Lunch

    Mobile Lunch


    Mobile Lunch Volunteers

    District 7 Schools

    Schools in district 7 have remained busy even though online learning is taking place at home!

    Over 2,000 meals have been distributed through the mobile pick up lines and school bus deliveries. Almost 4,000 laptops were distributed between Mandarin Middle School and Mandarin High School to equip students for online learning.

    Class of 2020

    The Class of 2020 will be celebrated in May!

    Duval County Public Schools has teamed up with WJXT. Each senior class will be featured in a special presentation to be aired in May. The Showcase will include an overall celebration of each school’s seniors during their four year high school experience.  Each traditional and magnet school will receive a one hour broadcast on May 16 -17 or May 23-24.  The Exceptional Student Centers will combine as will DVIA and BTS for a one hour slot each.  These broadcasts are being provided at no cost to the district and will be posted on the WJXT website to be shared with family, friends, community members and other loved ones.  District staff will work with school based leaders to submit photos, videos, audio and other content to ensure that each school’s virtual showcase is noteworthy.

    Class of 2020 Graduation moved to July


    Duval HomeRoom


    Board Members COVID 19

    Dr. Greene announced Duval HomeRoom at a press conference on March 18th. All instruction moved to online beginning 3/23. The school district provides lunches and snacks in two ways. Parents and students can go to the school and pick up lunch in a drive thru manner or go to designated bus stops. Unprecedented times calls for unprecedented action. 

    Parents you may stay up to date by visiting the Duval HomeRoom website listed below.

    Duval HomeRoom


    Mandarin High Schoool 

    Mandarin Middle School

    Mandarin High School & Mandarin Middle School were pick up sites for laptop distribution. Please click the video link below to hear a message from Mandarin High School Principal Mr. Knisley.




    Choice options? We have that! Learn about all that Duval County Public Schools has to offer:



    Strategic Plan

    The School Board is beginning the strategic plan process. This will be a 5 year plan which will be developed over the next few months. Community meetings will be held throughout the district and dates are to be determined.


     Florida's BEST

    The Florida Department of Education has released the new Florida Standards: BEST.

    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Chat with the Superintendent

    Please join me Thursday February 13, 2020 6-7 pm at Loretto Elementary for a Chat with the Superintendent. I look forward to see you there!


    Magnet Applications

    Magnet applications are due February 29th. Please click the link below for more information. https://dcps.duvalschools.org/Page/19168


    Florida Department of Education

    The Florida Department of Education has released the new Florida Standards -Benchmark for Excellent Student Thinking (BEST) . To learn more about what changes to expect with BEST click link  http://www.fldoe.org/standardsreview/


    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year

    Congratulations to Principal Butterfield on the birth of her son!

    Please join me Jan.15,2020 at 6:00 at Twin Lakes Academy Elementary School for a chat with the superintendent. I will also be holding a Chat with the Superintendent at Loretto Elementary on February 13 from 6-7. I hope to see you there!

    It’s time to think about school choice options. Saturday January 11th the School Choice Expo will be held at the Prime Osborne Center from 11:00-3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to speak with principals, school leaders and students from all our schools both traditional and charter.


    Mandarin Middle School wins City Championship Title! Congratulations Hawks!

    Mandarin MS wins Championship Title

    Bartram Springs Elementary - Veterans Day

    Many schools in our district celebrated Veterans Day with a salute to our service men and women. Twin Lakes Academy Elementary honored veterans in a special assembly.

    Bartram Springs Veterans Day 3.jpg

    Bartram Springs Veterans Day 2.jpg

    Bartram Springs Veterans Day.jpg

    Mandarin High School Town Hall Meeting

    Mandarin High School hosted a town hall meeting in November to discuss school safety. Principal Kniseley led the meeting and district leaders were present including Superintendent Dr. Greene and officer Clarke. Mandarin High has welcomed two new assistant principals and new systems are in place to ensure students are safe. Thank you to parents, students, teachers and administrators who attended the meeting.

    Mandarin HS Town Hall Meeting

    Mandarin HS Town Hall Meeting 2

    Mandarin HS Town Hall Meeting


    Greenland Pines

    Greenland Pines teamed partnered with the Lowe’s Heroes Project where volunteers spent two days working to beautify the campus. Thank you Lowes for your partnership!

    Lowes Heroes Project


    Atlantic Coast

    Atlantic Coast has been recognized as a Special Olympics National Unified Champion School! Congratulations Stingrays!

    Special Olympics National Unifed Champion School


    STEM opportunities continue to expand for students in District 7 

    Atlantic Coast has added an Engineering CTE program this year.

    Mandarin Middle School and Twin Lakes Academy Middle have added a Computer Science program.

    Students attending Mandarin Oaks Elementary with Project Lead the Way can pursue program continuity through expansion of Project Lead the Way to Twin Lakes Academy Middle and Atlantic Coast High School.

    Mandarin High continues to offer Medical Arts, and Drone certification.

    Loretto Elementary has opened a STEM lab.


    Hurricane Shelters

    Thank you for the principals and staff who manned the hurricane shelters. The organization and coordination between the American Red Cross, City Agencies and Duval County School District is impressive. I had the opportunity to tour Mandarin Middle with Councilmen Boylan and Hazouri. Atlantic Coast serves as a special needs shelter and staff from Mayo Clinic were on hand. Twin Lakes Academy Elementary had one of the largest numbers of people who sought refuge in the shelter.


    Community Meetings

    Two community meetings were held in District 7 at the end of September. One community meeting focused on growth in City Council District 11 and the other focused on School Safety and Security in City Council District 6.


    Master Board Training

    The Duval County School Board is currently participating in Florida School Board’s Master Board Training. This professional development focuses on team building and best practices for school boards. This certification will enhance the effectiveness of the board.

    Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I can be reached via email: hersheyl@duvalschools.org or 904.390.2375


    Welcome back to school!

    All schools in District 7 are A & B rated schools. Schools in District 7 have continued to grow and expand in STEM opportunities and CTE options. Parental involvement is vital to keeping our schools strong. Please consider getting involved with your PTA or SAC this year or volunteer when you can.

    Greenland Pines welcomes Principal Walker this year. This was the only principal change in District 7 due to the retirement of Principal Sneddon. Let’s give her a warm welcome to our District! Atlantic Coast earned a second consecutive A which makes Atlantic Coast High School a school of excellence -go stingrays! Mandarin Middle school also earned an A setting them on track to become a school of excellence.

    Last year our Duval County Public Schools were only one percentage point a way from an A. One percentage point is equivalent to 11 points. Due to the hard work of principals, teachers, student and parents we narrowed the gap and now are literally only 4 points away from becoming an A district or less than .5 percent. I’m confident that 2020 will be the year we reach that goal.


    Congratulations Class of 2019!

    Graduation is my favorite event of the year. It is always exciting to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. I am continually impressed by the number of students in District 7 who graduate with an A.A. or A.S. degree and their high school diploma. Students in District 7 also earn an impressive amount in scholarships!


    Greenland Pines Principal Retires….

    The end of the school year brings change. Greenland Pines Principal Sneddon retires at the end of the school year. Her commitment and enthusiasm for students and learning will be missed. Please let her know that District 7 is better for her leadership.


    Summer Break

    There are plenty of opportunities for enrichment over the summer. Our libraries offer a variety of opportunities. For more information check out summer offerings at Mandarin South Library - https://www.jaxpubliclibrary.org/locations/south-mandarin-branch or Mandarin Branch Library https://www.jaxpubliclibrary.org/locations/mandarin-branch


    Our Duval Schools…

    Want to learn more about our Master Plan? Please click the link below and visit our website: Our Duval Schools. This website will keep you up to date as the process moves forward. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  https://www.ourduvalschools.org/


     Chairman Lori Hershey and Mandarin High School Mustang  Crown Point Elementary
     Atlantic Coast HS Mascot  

    The 2018-2019 school year has been a year of celebration and expansion of choice options in District 7. Mandarin High’s football team brought home the State Championship Title in the fall and Crown Point Elementary has become a Leader in Me School. Leadership themes in District 7 schools can also be found at Twin Lakes Academy Elementary and Greenland Pines Elementary. Atlantic Coast is expanding their Career Technical Education offerings and STEM programs. All schools in District 7 are an A or B school and data proves schools in District 7 out perform their counterparts in both St. Johns & Clay Counties!


    Expansion of STEM Programs in District 7

    Representative Jason Fischer presents a donate at Mandarin Oaks Elementarys Project Lead the Way


    Mandarin Oaks Elementary is reinventing the classroom experience….

    Project Lead the Way is a nationally recognized program and Mandarin Oaks will be the only elementary

    School in NE Florida to offer it. A STEM program that is inspiring, engaging and empowering. Thank you Rep. Jason Fischer for jump starting this initiative at Mandarin Oaks Elementary



    Twin Lakes Academy Logo

    Twin Lakes Academy Middle School.….

    Project Lead the Way program continuity will be with Twin Lakes Academy Middle School



     Loretto Elementary

    Loretto Elementary has a STEM Lab coming soon!!!

    Loretto Elementary is expanding STEM opportunities and will be launching their new STEM Lab!

  • Connect with Chairman Hershey

    Link to Lori Hershey's Twitter Page  Link to Lori Hershey's Facebook Page  

    Click to see the newsroom