• The Principal’s Pen 

     Dear: Dolphins Families,


     I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children this upcoming school year.

    We are extremely excited to have students back in our classrooms and hallways filling them with positive energy and enthusiasm for learning.  It is our mission to make every child feel welcomed, connected and a part of our CRES family.  Additionally, we strive to challenge every student to grow in his or her academic abilities.  At Central Riverside we have great teachers who spend hours planning and creating classroom activities to engage our students in learning.  Our teachers utilize research-based best practices and analyze academic data to determine current skill levels and set goals for growth and improvement.  We believe all students can be successful when provided meaningful and intentional instruction.

    Our school theme this year is "CRES. We’re Wild About Learning”.

    Thank you again for entrusting your child’s education in the capable hands of CRES.  Your commitment to ensuring that Central Riverside remains a celebrated and successful school is awe-inspiring. I eagerly look forward to greeting students and families again. It remains an honor and privilege to serve as your principal.  Please stop by and say hello. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children.

     Dinah Stewart, Principal






    Principal  Dinah Stewart, stewartd1@duvalschools.org, (904) 381-7495