     Welcome to Seabreeze!
     Aimee Kimball  


    Welcome Back, Seahorses!

    We look forward to greeting you as we celebrate our 60th Anniversary at Seabreeze Elementary. We hope you will be able to join us as we prepare for a successful launch of school. Our official theme is “Celebrating 60 Years of Brilliance,” and we are proud to be your A rated neighborhood school! The First Day of School is Monday, August 15th. You will notice our staff will have special gems, crowns, and colors to identify ourselves. We will be there to assist you and your child as you enter our halls. All parents are invited to our PTA’s Tears and Cheers Breakfast, held in the Media Center after you drop off your student. At this breakfast, we can provide information on becoming actively involved in our Seabreeze Elementary community. We have avenues available for all families! 

    Please note, you will only be able to walk your child in on the First Day of School. From then on, we encourage you to become an approved volunteer while we establish those initial rituals and routines with your child.

    Here are a few things we will need from you as we prepare for this year’s celebration:

    • If you have not done so already, please make sure you have a FOCUS account.
    • Please make sure you have picked up all necessary items from our supply lists.
    • If you are interested in signing up for Extended Day, please do that as soon as possible. The registration window opened on July 18thhttps://dcps.duvalschools.org/extendedday. This program is fee-based, and spots may be limited.
    • Join us on Facebook for updates from both Seabreeze Elementary and Seabreeze Elementary PTA (our official FB pages.)
    • We are awaiting updates on the status of lunch applications. In the meantime, you may want to load snack money at myschoolbucks.com. We also encourage you to practice opening lunch items with your student, especially if entering Kindergarten! 😊
    • All children need to know how they are getting home on Day 1. This is a great time to practice phone numbers, home addresses, and emergency information with your student.

    For smooth sailing this year, we ask that you keep your child home if they are exhibiting any Covid-19 related symptoms, as well as any other contagious disease. Students must be fever-free and vomit-free for 24-hours, regardless of type of illness. There will be Telehealth opportunities through the school system, be sure to look into Hazel Health if you are interested in wellness visits, mental health counselors, or other health-related services. We are sending a paper enrollment postcard in the First Day packet.

    If there is one thing our “Gem of the Beaches” is known for, it’s our strong commitment to community and to one another. I ask that we respectfully support one another’s decisions and do our collective best to support our Seahorses. If you are ever in need of assistance, please contact the Front Office directly at (904) 247-5900. We strive to do our absolute best to educate, impact, and develop your student to their fullest potential. We can’t wait to shine this year with you!


    Aimee Kimball

    Aimee Kimball



     Aimee Kimball Principal