Enrollment Staff

Name Position Email
Ms. Anzualda Counselor: Students in AP Honors Academy anzualdad@duvalschools.org
Dr. Chambers Assistant Principal of Curriculum nolanb@duvalschools.org
Ms. Davis Data Entry Clerk davise3@duvalschools.org
Mr. Duffie Main Office duffieo@duvalschools.org
Ms. Felix Counselor: Students with last names starting with A-C felixv@duvalschools.org
Ms. Kandetzke Counselor: Students with last names starting with I-Mn kandetzkel@duvalschools.org
Ms. McIntosh Counselor: Students with last names starting with Sb-Z mcintoshw@duvalschools.org
Ms. Norris Graduation Coach norrisc1@duvalschools.org
Ms. Ortega Records & Transcripts ortegab@duvalschools.org
Ms. Peeks Main Office peeksm@duvalschools.org
Ms. Prier Assistant Principal wilcoxa@duvalschools.org
Ms. Sheffield Enrollment sheffieldj3@duvalschools.org
Ms. Stewart Counselor: Students with last name starting with Mo-Sa stewartb3@duvalschools.org
Ms. Thomas Counselor: Students with last names starting with D-H singletont@duvalschools.org
Last Modified on August 30, 2024