2024-2025 Student Behavior Contract
Bridge to Success Academy High School
I know that I have a right to:
- be in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bigotry.
- know what is appropriate behavior and what behaviors may result in disciplinary actions.
- be counseled by members of the professional staff in matters related to my behavior as it affects my education and welfare within the school.
- due process o of disciplinary action for alleged violations of school regulations for which I may be suspended or removed from class.
I agree to:
- I will come to school on time (9:20AM).
- I will remain in school for the entire school day.
- I will appear for each of my classes at the start time and be ready to begin work.
- I will adhere to the attendance policies, including having no more than 3 absences in a 9-week grading period.
- I will resolve conflicts peacefully and avoid fighting inside or outside of the school or at program sites.
- I will behave respectfully, without arguing, and cooperate when a staff member gives directions or makes a request. I understand that I will be given an opportunity to voice my concerns at an appropriate time if I do not agree with the request.
- I will dress in complete uniform every day.
- I will always wear a school ID while on campus.
- I will refrain from bringing weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol to school including vaping.
- I will surrender my cell phone daily to the appropriate personnel and I will refrain from bringing personal possessions that are disruptive (e.g., cell phone, IPad, watches) in school.
- I will share information with school officials that might affect the health, safety, or welfare of the school community.
- I will follow all the rules in the Student Discipline Code of Conduct.
First Offense: Warning with a Phone Call Home to the Parent/Guardian
Second Offense: Referral in FOCUS & Parent/Guardian Conference with Dean/Administration
Third Offense: Parent/Guardian Shadowing
Fourth and Subsequent Offenses: Referral for Dismissal
**Violent Infractions are an automatic 3-day suspension—No Warning Needed**
**Level 2 and Level 3 Infractions of the Code of Conduct will result in more serious consequences. **
I have received a copy of the DCPS Student Code of Conduct and understand this contract. I agree to follow the rules of behavior.
Student Name: Signature: ______________________ Date:___________________________
Parent Section
I understand the behavior expectations of my child as listed in the above contract. Failure to uphold my responsibility of ensuring my child adheres to school expectations will result in parent conferences and possible dismissal from BTSAHS.
I have received a copy of the DCPS Student Code of Conduct and understand the behavior that is required of my child.
I agree to help my child follow this agreement by:
_______ encouraging my child to be a respectful and peaceful member of the school community.
_______ discussing the contents of the Student Code of Conduct and this contract with my child.
_______ participating in any discussions and decisions concerning my child’s education.
_______ attending scheduled appointments with school staff.
_______ providing the school with current telephone numbers and emergency contact information.
_______ alerting the school if there are any significant changes in my child’s health, or well-being that affect his/her ability to perform in school.
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________ ___ Date:_____________________
(Please Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________
Bridge To Success Academy High School
Parent / Guardian Contract
These terms are between Bridge To Success Academy High School (BTSA HS) and the individual identified below in the signature block (You). As the parent / guardian of a student at BTSA HS, You and your student must adhere to all rules and requirements of BTSA HS, including, but not limited to the following:
1. Parent / Guardian Responsibilities
- You agree to partner with BTSA HS to ensure all guidelines are met.
- You will keep open lines of communication with BTSA HS.
- You will attend all parent-teacher conferences requested by BTSA HS.
- You will make sure your student is in full uniform daily, including ID, laptop, uniform shirt, and uniform pants.
- You will make sure your student attends school and is on time daily with no more than three absences per quarter.
- You will provide documentation from a health professional for each absence.
- You will not schedule appointments for your student during school hours.
- You will check FOCUS at least twice a week.
2. Student Responsibilities
- You and your student will follow all behavioral and academic policies in the BTSA HS Student Contract.
3. Student Code of Conduct
- You and your student agree to adhere to the entire Duval County Student Code of Conduct found at https://dcps.duvalschools.org/conduct.
4. Signature
Parent / Guardian
Signature _________________________
Printed Name _________________________
Signature Date _________________________
BTSA HS Administrator
Signature _________________________
Printed Name _________________________
Signature Date _________________________