Morning Arrival Procedures
Students are allowed in the building NO EARLIER than 8:00am. We ask that you do not drop your student(s) off at school or let them walk to school before 8:00am. There is no adult supervision provided until 8:00am. If you need care before school please contact our extended day director for times and prices.
1. ALL students except bus riders enter through the 3rd Grade doors.
2. PreK- will wait in the 3rd grade hall way with the paraprofessionals
3. 1st - 2nd students will report to the Multipurpose Room and be supervised by teachers from each grade level.
4. 3rd – 5th Grade students will report to the Cafeteria and be supervised by teachers from each grade level.
5. Parents MUST receive a visitor’s badge upon entering the building. This is for the safety and security of the staff and students. A parent conference MUST be scheduled to visit the teacher’s classroom in the morning during their planning time.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
PreKindergarten Students – School Hours (8:30-3:00pm)
Dismissal for PreK students begin at 2:50 pm.
1. Dismissal for PreK students being at 2:50 pm
2. All students are dismissed in the bus loop.
3. Team Up students will be escorted to the multi-purpose room.
4. ALL students MUST be picked up no later than 3:10 pm. The Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office (JSO) will be called to pick up students who are at Andrew Robinson after 3:30 pm.
Kindergarten – 5th Grade Students – School Hours (8:30 – 3:00pm)
1. Dismissal begins at 2:45 pm.
2. All students will be escorted to their dismissal areas by adults.
3. Team Up students will be escorted to the cafeteria at 3:00pm.
4. ALL students MUST be picked up no later than 3:10 pm. The Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office (JSO) will be called to pick up students who are at Andrew Robinson after 3:30 pm.