School Name: LaVilla School of the Arts
School Number: #267
District #4
School Address: 501 Davis St. N. Jacksonville FL 32202
School Hours (Open-Close) 8:25 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
School Hours (Bell Schedule) 8:25 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
School Telephone Number (main number): 904-633-6069
School Telephone Number (guidance):904-633-6069
School Fax Number: 904-633-8089
Principal: Kimberly Harrison, ph# 904-633-6069, email: harrisonk2@duvalschools.org
Assistant Principal & Title IX Coordinator: Seth Happel, 904-633-6069, email: happels1@duvalschools.org
Assistant Principal & Title IX Investigator: Johnson Joseph, 904-633-6069, email: josephj@duvalschools.orgPTSA President: Renee Maxey, lasotaptsa@gmail.com
Treasurer: Carmella Holmes-Weaver, treasurer.lavillaptsa@gmail.com
Corresponding Secretary: Billy Alston, lasotaptsa@gmail.com
Recording Secretary: Ginny Holland, lasotaptsa@gmail.com
SAC Chairperson: Seleta Rahim, sorahim0608@gmail.com
School Webmaster: Nicole Defeo, ph# 904-633-6069 email: defeon@duvalschools.orgRegion Superintendent: Denise Hall, ph# 904-390-2030, email: halld@duvalschools.org
Board Member: District 4, The Honorable Darryl Willie, ph#: 904-390-2374, email: willied@duvalschools.org