

    Dismissal Information:

    Welcome back! We hope you are enjoying being a part of the Sheffield family.  For those of you new to Sheffield, our bus loop is located in the front of the school.  Cars will not be permitted to park there and walk in between the buses.  This is an extreme safety hazard and safety is our priority.

    Also, students will not be dismissed between 2:15 and 3:00 daily.  Teachers should know of any doctors’ appointments in the morning and we need a note from the doctor the next day. Instruction begins at 8:30 and does not end until 3:00. It is important that students are here the entire instructional day in order for our school to be successful:)

    The Car Rider loop is still on the side of the school. Cars will enter on Scarborough and circle around in the cul-de-sac.  Please do not try to avoid using the cul-de-sac.  Trying to avoid using the cul-de-sac is safety hazard for all so please help us keep our children safe.  Parents must remain in the Car rider line and drop their children at the car port. Parents are asked NOT to drop their children off and allow them to cut through the car rider traffic.  This too is an extreme safety hazard. Parents wanting to drop their kids off must escort them to the side walk leading to the FRONT (Main entrance) of the school.

    During dismissal, car rider parents are asked to remain in their cars to pick up their children. Assigned car rider numbers will be called into the cafeteria where students will be released to get into their cars. Any parent who walks up to the car port to pick up their children will be asked to take the side walk leading to the front (Main entrance) of the school to pick up their children. They would be considered a walker.  The office will call your children and they will meet you in the main office for pick up.

    Walkers will be dismissed at 3:00 pm and the walker area is at the north side of the school.  A parent/guardian must be present for children to be dismissed from the walker area. Car riders exit out the cafeteria (important for students to know their car tag #). Bus riders exit through the middle hallway. No one exits out the main entrance. We encourage all parents to follow these new procedures as we strive to create a safer and more efficient arrival and dismissal.



    *All students leaving campus during the school day must be signed out through the office. Students will not be dismissed after 2:15 P.M., per district policy, and after 12:30 P.M. on Early Dismissal days.


    *Parents must send in a written note if the child’s end of the day transportation will differ from what is on file. We will not accept phone calls for changes in afternoon dismissal.


    *A student can only be picked up by a person listed on the blue information card with proper identification.


    *All students must be picked up from school by 3:10 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. on Early Dismissal days. If you have an emergency or are late please contact the main office at 696-8758. Please be respectful of Sheffield’s faculty and staff as their work day ends at 3:10 P.M.


    *All parents using the carpool loop MUST have a car tag.