• Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology

    7450 Wilson Blvd.

    Jacksonville, FL 32210



    School: #280

    District: #16           

    Hours:  8:00-4:00

    Bell Schedule:  8:25 am - 3:25 pm

    Main Number: 904-573-1150

    Counseling:  904-573-1150 ext 999909

    Fax: 904-573-3206

    Principal name, email, ph#:  Jessica Mastromatto, parrishj@duvalschools.org 904-573-1150 ext 999901

    Assistant Principal Name, email, ph#, L Janine Crowden, crowden-rl@duvalschools.org  904-573-1150 ext 999912

    Assistant Principal Name, email, ph# Devin McFarland, mcfarlandd1@duvalschools.org 904-573-1150  ext 999911

    SAC Chairperson, email, ph# Ms. Digna Ruiz, ruizd@duvalschools.org  573-1150 ext 999942

    Volunteer coordinator name, email, ph# Carlene Stitz, stizc@duvalschools.org 573-1150 ext 999902

    The Honorable Warren Jones
    Phone: (904) 390-2372


    Timothy Simmons
    Regional Superintendent - Region of Hope 
    Phone: (904)390-2030


    Title IX Coordinator Title IX Coordinator, email, ph# Devin McFarland, mcfarlandd1@duvalschools.org, 904-573-1150 ext 999911

    Class Sponsors:

    9th—Mr Walsh & Mrs S. Dixon
    10th—Ms Harris
    11th—Mrs Ruiz
    12th— Mrs Abbott
    Website Information
    The FHP Website is maintained by Larry Rud.
    For questions about the site or to contribute photos or content,
    please email me at: rudl@duvalschools.org