William M. Raines High School
3663 Raines Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32209
School #165 / District #5
School Telephone Number: 904-924-3049
School Fax Number: 904-924-3058
School Hours (Open - Close): 7:00a - 3:30p
School Hours (Bell Schedule): 7:05a - 2:00p
Maintaining open communication with our parents is a high priority. Therefore, we have established a number of ways you can contact us regarding your child’s successes. To contact our guidance department, visit our counselor services page. To contact a teacher, visit the faculty pages to find a list alphabetically. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us as the numbers or address listed above.
Outside Contacts
School Board Member: Honorable Warren Jones; jonesw2@duvalschools.org; (904) 390-2372Region Superintendent: Timothy Simmons; simmonst@duvalschools.org; (904) 348-5306PTSA President: Ms. Kassie Whitefield; RainesPTSA2013@yahoo.comSAC President: Mr. Julius Paden; cooljgp100@aol.comBuilding ContactsPrincipal: Vincent Hall hallv@duvalschools.org (x999901)
Title IX Coordinator: Natasha Williams williamsn3@duvalschools.org (x999911)
Assistant Principal (Curriculum): Brandie Stallings stallingsb@duvalschools.org (x999913)
Assistant Principal (Student Services): Anthony Scarlett scarletta1@duvalschools.org (x999912)
Assistant Principal (Student Services): Natasha Williams williamsn3@duvalschools.org (x999911)
Dean of Students: Kelvin Aikens aikenk@duvalschools.org (X999960)
Website Content Manager: Donna Brovich-Kennison brovich-kennisond@duvalschools.org (X011505)