• Applying for Extended Day will be available in Mid July. Please apply early. Once applications are available, they will be available on this website: https://dcps.duvalschools.org/Page/34676. The entire application process is online. Please email Ms. Heather Dubuisson, dubuissonh@duvalschools.org, if you have applied for Extended Day and are awaiting approval. All payments should be paid through the Extended Day Eleyo website. Please do not bring/send payments to the school for Extended Day. 

    59-6000589 tax ID number for J. Allen Axson.


    For questions about our Extended Day Program, please email our Extended Day Director,
    Heather Dubuisson, at dubuissonh@duvalschools.org.

    Extended Day is offered during the following times:




    The payment schedule and cost can be found here: https://dcps.duvalschools.org/Page/30670