• Rufus E Payne PTA

    Welcome!  If you do not find the information you need here, be sure to visit the REP PTA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PaynePTA.  

     What does the PTA do?

    The PTA is a membership organization. We encourage all parents and teachers to join. We sponsor fundraising events such as Booster-thon and Fall Festival. We host teacher appreciation luncheons and provide funding for teachers for professional development. The PTA has funded building benches and gardens at our school. We fund the end of the year reading celebration, Field Day, and luncheon for Teacher Appreciation Day.  We coordinate vision and hearing screenings for students and hold parent and volunteer social events.

    How to sign up: please email:

    Ms. Singleton - singletonv@duvalschools.org

    Mrs. Neal - NealK1@duvalschools.org or call us (904) 924-3020.


    The 2021-22 Board

    President:  Qkwaisarah Harvey

    Vice President:  Ms. Owens

    Treasurer:  Talia Williams

    Recording Secretary:  Sharan Walker

    Programs:  Mrs. Neal

    Membership: Ms. Singleton

    T-Shirts: Qkwaisarah Harvey

    Hospitality:  Ms. Owens

    Web Master/Facebook: Ms. Covin

    Teacher Liaison:  Ms. Covin

    Advocacy:  Mrs. Neal

     ****If you are interested in being a part of this team, please email: singletonv@duvalschools.org or NealK1@duvalschools.org for more details.****

    What is the mission of the PTA?

    We are part of a state and national organization, whose mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

    What are PTA Values?

    Collaboration: We work in partnership to accomplish agreed upon goals.

    Commitment: We are committed to what is best for our children.

    Accountability: We deliver on our promises.

    Respect: We value our colleagues and expect a high quality of thought and effort from ourselves and others.

    Inclusivity: We invite the stranger and welcome the newcomer. We value a wide spectrum of viewpoints and experiences.

    Integrity: We act consistently with our beliefs. When we err, we acknowledge the mistake and seek to make amends.