• Sandalwood High School PTSA


    (904) 544-8588

  • 2024-2025 PTSA Board Members

    President: Jennifer Weaver 
    Vice-president: Gen Taylor
    Vice-president: Christy Canaday
    Secretary: Courtney Gullet
    Treasurer: Rhoda Smith
    Admin Rep: Amy Groeschel
    Teacher Rep: Carrie Sowell


    Meeting Dates

    The first Monday of every month. 
    Beginning September 9, 2024
    PTSA Board Meetings, Room 315 @ 6:00pm after the SAC Meetings


  • Join PTSA!

    To join PTSA or make a donation, parents, students, teachers and community members can go to the link below:
    Membership envelopes are also available in the main office. Please include $10 cash or money order.
    Put the completed envelope and payment into PTSA box located in main office.

    Support PTSA!

    Earn Cashback AND support Sandalwood HS PTSA through givebacks. Go to the givebacks link and set up an account!
    Your membership supports events during the year; Student of the Month, School Events, Teacher Appreciation Week,
    Death by Chocolate, Teacher Support, Honor Roll Reception, and so much more.