Creativity. Learning. Artistry. Achievement. Self-expression. Knowledge.
To us, these are more than just words. Theseare the guiding principles that define who weare and what we give every student whoattends Pine Forest School of the Arts. Becausewe are a fully dedicated Magnet School, all ofour students are part of the magnet program;this allows us to successfully combine a superior,standards-based academic curriculum with anentirely arts-based learning environment.Our exceptionally dedicated faculty membersguide and direct our students to excel in all facetsof their elementary academic education. A focusedcommitment to the arts allows Pine Forestmagnet students to truly explore, develop andhone their personal artistic interest and talentwithin an academically superior setting.Every day is an adventure in learning at PineForest, where children are given the opportunityto cultivate and express their artistic and academicpotential in a caring and nurturing environment.In an arts-based educational environment,students are better able to develop self-relianceand critical-thinking skills as they amplify theirarts knowledge and talents through weeklyinstruction.
Our programs include:
DANCE - Instruction includes creative movement, ballet, modern, improvisation and choreography. All students wear dance attire to dance classes.
MUSIC - All students receive instruction in a general music class. This includes singing, playing instruments and creating music. Chorus is offered to eligible 4th and 5th graders during the school day.
DRAMA - Class instruction includes basic through advanced acting skills, improvisation and script writing. Also included is the development of proper audience etiquette, articulation and vocal projection as well as strategies for building self-confidence.
VISUAL ARTS - Our comprehensive art program is designed to develop skills required to learn and apply the elements and principles of art.
STRINGS - Eligible 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students can elect to take strings class. Instruments include violin, viola, cello and bass. Creativity. Learning. Artistry. Achievement. Self-expression. Knowledge.
• Full scale musical productions
• A student-produced annual arts festival
• Professional guest artists visit the schoolto perform and interact with students
• Student performances and toursaround Jacksonville
• Collaborative programs with LaVilla andDouglas Anderson School of the Arts
• Multiple field trips and participation incity-wide cultural events
• After-school art enrichment
• After-school dance ensemble
• Active parent involvement volunteercorps program
Enrollment Information:Pine Forest is a dedicated magnet school.Every child who attends the school must applythrough the Duval County magnet lottery system.The primary entry point is kindergarten; seatsare limited at other grade levels. Applicationsmust be received in the magnet office by thedeadline. Pine Forest graduates receive a priorityfor admission to LaVilla School of the Arts.