Mandarin Oaks Student Council
Mandarin Oaks student Council is comprised of third, fourth, and fifth graders - two from each class. The student representatives are either chosen by their teacher or through a classroom election (whichever the teacher decides.) Our focus is Leadership and Service.
During the school year we have two food drives that benefit Mandarin Food Bank, make cards for Southlake Nursing Home, help coach at Play Day and ESE Play Day, help serve at the Volunteer Brunch, and walk at Relay for Life at Mandarin High School to raise awareness and donations for the American Cancer Society. We hold elections in November for a President (5th grader), Vice President (4th or 5th grader), and a Secretary (3rd, 4th, or 5th grader). Our President delivers a speech at the end of the school year for Fifth Grade Graduation. We buy Student Council t-shirts and wear them to all of our functions. We also have a field trip towards the end of the year for our student leaders to see our city leaders at City Hall, tour Mandarin Food Bank, and deliver cards to the residents at Southlake Nursing Home. Our meetings are held after school on Mondays.