Welcome to the Home Page of the Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced International Studies and Leadership School Advisory Council.What is SAC?The mission of the school advisory council (SAC) is to provide parents, community members, students, faculty and staff with an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, to assess school needs, and to identify local resources that could support the school's goals, mission, and educational priorities.The functions of the School Advisory Council are:
- To assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan
- To assist in the preparation of educational improvement proposals for implementing an educational improvement grant
- To assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget
- To participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds
- To initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school
- To assist in the development of educational goals and objectives
- To recommend various support services in the school
- To provide input regarding the district’s Strategic Plan.
- To review the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school as they relate to the safety, welfare and educational opportunities of the students
- To review the budget to be sure it is aligned with the School Improvement Plan
- To perform other functions as requested by the principal
2022-2023 Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced International Studies & Leadership SAC MeetingsFriday, September 1 @ 1pm
Friday, October 6 @ 1pm
Friday, November 3 @ 1pm
Friday, December 1 @ 1pm
Friday, January 12 @ 1pm
Friday, February 2 @ 1pm
Friday, March 1 @ 1pm
Friday, April 5 @ 1pm
Friday, May 3 @ 1pm
Please email Mr. Begley if you are interested in being apart of the School Advisory Council.