
Volunteering at Axson

  • Volunteerism is an important part of our school community.  Many of you are already approved volunteers for Axson and we want to make sure everyone is always approved and ready to volunteer! Once the Covid 19 restrictions are removed and we can have volunteers in the building again, there will be opportunities to help on campus, in the classrooms, attending field trips, etc.  We love our volunteers and depend on them to enrich our students' school experience.

    If you, or any member of your family, would like to volunteer at Axson, you must complete the Volunteer Application on the DCPS website. The application typically takes about two days to be approved, but can take longer at certain times during the year when many volunteers are applying. You can contact our front office staff for the status of your approval. The Volunteer Application must be completed every 2 years. Once you have been approved, you may visit the school to volunteer, but in order to be on campus during school hours, you must where a volunteer/visitor sticker which can be obtained in the front office. Visitors and volunteers are not allowed on campus without a visitor/volunteer sticker. Please coordinate a good volunteer time with your child's teacher, as it can be disruptive for parents to be in the classroom when they are not needed for volunteering. 

    Please consider joining our PTA Board and/or our FAME Board. Both organizations do so much for our school and they can always use more parents willing to help. 

    If you can't be on the board you can still be a member of PTA and you can still help out FAME. Information about our PTA as well as the membership form can be found at this link. Information about FAME can be found at this link


    "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." ~Helen Kellar