• Click Here For 2024 - 2025 Enrollment Options

    Before you jump into the registration process, make sure your child meets the immunization requirements and you have all the required documents. See details in the link above.

    Parent Conferences

    We encourage you to get to know your child’s teacher!  Parents must make an appointment with the teacher or staff member they would like to conference with prior to visiting the school.  Appointments are necessary to ensure that the teacher or staff member is available to meet with you and is prepared with necessary materials and information.  
    Remember, no conferences can be held while students are in class or without an appointment.  You can make an appointment by contacting the teacher or staff member directly through the Bloomz App - the office staff can not make appointments for teachers or other staff members.

    Click Here To Complete a Volunteer Application

    We invite you to share some of your time and talent at school by becoming a school volunteer.  You can be involved in a wide variety of programs and events or as a classroom volunteer and completing a volunteer application is a requirement. 
    Please complete the volunteer application on the Duval County Schools Website in the link above and be sure to sign in at the office each time you visit during the school day.  You will also need to view the online NBE Volunteer Training Presentation below before you are cleared to volunteer.

    Click Here For The NBE Volunteer Training Presentation